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Interface Design
Product Design
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David Serrano

Senior product Designer у Meta

З чим можу допомогти

*All sessions are conducted in English. Please make sure to write your request to mentor in English, so they will be able to prepare for your session.

My mentorship services include a wide range of options, naming a few:

- Help me! I don't know where to go next!

- I don't think I made up for the company XYZ (spoiler alert: it's just a matter of time)

- I just started and I don't even know where I am (been there, done that)

- I want to get better at Product Thinking and Strategy

- I want to develop a strong voice and lead initiatives and projects at the moment

- I want to get more clients or streamline my ways of working as a freelancer

- I want to rock at visual design

про мене

I have 7 years of experience (gosh I'm older than I thought!!) in product design. I'm self taught and a total tinkerer. Been always curious to learn whatever I could help me solve a problem, even though it was all rough patches.

My career has been a succession of mistakes and failures from which I learnt lots: working as a sole UX designer in an old fashioned ad agency, freelancing for small clients in my home city, founding a startup which did not worked that well...

I've always thought I did not belong to the world of big tech and lived under the assumption that my skills would've never been up for it. And I was fine.

Until one day the whole thing changed and was asked to join Facebook (Now Meta). Now four years in (spent a couple of years under Ad Products and now I'm working in Augmented Reality and new forms of communication. It sounds great, but it's even better, trust me) , all I realised is that it takes hard work and resilience to get here. It's not an easy path, but all I want is to help others to get to where they want, and help them avoid as much as possible wrong turns that sometimes we take.

I'm sure pieces of my story resonate with yours and there's chances you'll get through some of them sooner or later. Care sharing it with me? Let's talk!

про employer branding community

Це спільнота більш ніж 5000 однодумців, причетних до розвитку бренду компанії-роботодавця. Ми об’єдналися, щоб розвивати ринок праці в Україні, задавати нові стандарти в співпраці з працедавцями та створювати можливості для росту спеціалістів із брендингу роботодавця.

facebook, група, linkedin

про колаборацію

Cultural Management — це колаборація Projector Mentorship Platform, спільноти Навзаєм і фестивалю Plan B. Ми об'єднали незалежних фахів_чинь, щоб підтримати тих, хто організовує культурні проєкти, проводить виставки та концерти, знімає кіно і створює театральні вистави, зберігає спадщину й комунікує українське світу.


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